Platform Requirements

Platform Support

Please refer to EasyAR Sense EasyAR Sense Platform Requirements and Unity System requirements.

About Android arm64-v8a

  • For Unity, Android arm64-v8a is not supported by Unity’s mono scripting backend. IL2CPP need to be enabled for it.

About iOS armv7

  • EasyAR Sense has dropped iOS armv7 support since the 3.0 release. There is an empty code layer in the library so the XCode projects will always build, but all features are not available in runtime if only armv7 is selected.

Unity Compatibility

EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin supports Unity 5.6.5f1 and later versions.

Generally, EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin do not rely very much on changing part of Unity APIs, so if there are newer versions of Unity release, EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin will most likely work smoothly on those versions.

Samples may use a few more Unity features than the plugin itself, so if you meet incompatibility in some later Unity versions, try to eliminate the samples first. And also as the plugin is open sourced, you do not need to wait for an official fix when a break change in Unity comes.

Unity 2020.2 and later has removed OpenGLES support on iOS, video recording feature will not work on iOS when using Unity 2020.2 or later.

Graphics API

Starting from release of EasyAR Sense 3.0, EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin use Unity render pipeline directly, all graphics API in Unity is supported by nature.

Exception: due to internal implementation of EasyAR Sense, the video recording feature will only work in certain conditions, when using OpenGLES2 or OpenGLES3 on Android, or when using OpenGLES2 one iOS.

Scriptable Render Pipeline

Unity’s Scriptable Render Pipeline is a feature that allows you to control rendering via C# scripts. Unity Universal Render Pipeline (URP) (and Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP) in some versions) and High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) are not supported in current EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin by default. We are planning to support these pipelines in later versions.

Before our official support is released, you need to extend EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin scripts to support URP and HDRP. All rendering API call are organized in the CameraImageRenderer script component. You can extend this script and change some shaders for URP and HDRP support.

Restrictions from Unity itself

About Android arm64-v8a

  • For Unity, Android arm64-v8a is not supported by Unity’s mono scripting backend. IL2CPP need to be enabled for it.

Mono scripting backend support

  • iOS: not support (due to lack of support for 64-bit Mono in Unity)

  • Android: supported (armv7 only)

IL2CPP scripting backend support

  • iOS: supported

  • Android: supported